Wayne Szara, CDT

Smile Confidently with Full Arch Rehabilitation Solutions

Wayne Szara is a Technologies Specialist with ZIMMER BIOMET Technical Services. He is a 29 year CDT with over 31 years of experience in the dental industry. A graduate of Triton College and Southern Illinois University with degrees in dental technology and vocational education, Wayne has a broad knowledge of laboratory procedures and the skills to present new information in a clear and interesting manner. For 18 years, Wayne has been presenting numerous seminars for ZIMMER BIOMET, including hands-on implants and implant prosthetics programs throughout North America as well as internationally. His programs are presented to oral surgeons, periodontists, general dentists, denturists, dental technicians and even patients. Daily, he helps dentists and dental technicians with their questions about restoring dental implants. A published author, Wayne’s technical articles have appeared in peer-reviewed journals, and he is recognized by the military as an outstanding seminar leader in their professional development program for dentists and dental technicians. In addition, he has worked for Sterngold and 3M ESPE.

Course Description

This program offers solutions to help you and your patients achieve beautiful, confident and healthy smiles. Edentulism and failing dentition continue to be major health challenges affecting millions of people worldwide. ZIMMER BIOMET offers a variety of ideas that simplify implant retained and bar retained overdenture therapy for clinicians, while providing an improved quality of life for each patient.

Course Objectives

Review the most common treatment modalities for edentulous and partially edentulous patients. The following topics will be discussed in detail: