Eva Grayzel, Author & Storyteller

Beating the Odds: A Story NOT Silenced by Stage IV Oral Cancer

Eva Grayzel told her story at the 2003 National ADA conference on the main stage. Since then, she has become the voice for oral cancer, speaking internationally at dental and medical conferences on the patient perspective. She performed her story as a one-woman show Off-Broadway. Eva founded Six-Step Screening, an oral cancer awareness campaign and for the success of the campaign was given honorary membership to the American Academy of Oral Medicine. Six-Step Screening provides educational posters, goody bag, recare and self-exam postcards. https://www.sixstepscreening.org

She is the author of two children’s books to empower children with coping skills and communication strategies when someone they know has cancer. She is the creator of ‘My Story Legacy,’ an interactive format for documenting family stories, life values and wisdom. hhtps://www.evagrayzel.com

Course Description

Eva Grayzel transports dental professionals into the oral cancer patient’s experience sharing riveting details about her delayed diagnosis and finding the strength to persevere through the devastating effects of radical surgery and radiation motivating new thinking about oral cancer screenings and patient education. Her compelling narrative humanizes oral cancer, inspiring audiences professionally and personally.

Course Objectives